Get Involved

There are many ways to make your voice heard, and you will make an impact. By getting involved, you have the opportunity to influence key decision makers that can make more rail passenger service happen within Minnesota and connect us to the upper midwest. Citizen advocacy groups like All Aboard Minnesota have been successful in other parts of North America to get more rail service, and we will be too! Click here to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference!

Proposed Routes

Just before Amtrak was created, Minnesotans enjoyed an entire route system of passenger trains that gave us multiple frequencies on several routes, and connected us to the upper midwest. All Aboard Minnesota has studied which of these routes, and some new routes, might have the best opportunity for success in today's reality. Click here to learn more about the routes we propose and are advocating for.

Riding on a Train

There are many different types of services offered on long distance passenger trains today. This section describes the types of services, accommodations offered, and what to expect on your trip. Click here to learn more. Enjoy your train ride!

Become a Member

For the price of an airline snack box and beer, you can help further the cause of rail travel across the United States!

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